Performing Arts After School & Summer Program

Arts & Academics in Focus (AAIF)


Intergenerational Arts Palace AAIF specializes in free or affordable after school and summer programming and is implemented in conjunction with the “Character Counts Curriculum” for all youth while targeting those from low-income families and those who are at risk for academic failure. The program has been implemented in several middle and high schools throughout San Antonio in the past and, presently, serving the cities of Sherman and Denison. The Character Counts Curriculum focuses on character development, drug prevention and supplemental, academic tutoring. The AAIF curriculum focuses on providing opportunities for students in grades K-12 to develop and express creative abilities through the writing and/or performance of musical and dramatic productions creating a multi-cultural/ethnic, choral, dramatic, play-write group. Students develop skills in the visual and performing arts including Art, Music, Dance and Movement, Drama, Video Production, Backstage Production and Self-Expression. At present the program consists of four phases. (See Curriculum) We have written musical plays involving slavery, racism in the classrooms, drive-by shootings and shootings on school campuses. We have performed hit musicals such as “Annie,” “Grease,” “Guys and Dolls,” featuring our Middle and High School students and “Humpty Dumpty, Was He Pushed or Did He Fall,” featuring our Elementary level students. 


Goals – Our main, programmatic goal is to produce one or more musical productions during our Fall, Spring and Summer sessions. This Program will afford students and local, young artists the opportunity to share their joys and pains with their peers and seniors in the community by displaying their outstanding, dramatic and/or musical abilities. We have partnered with the Internationally Renowned “Temptations” to produce an annual “Motown Showdown” competition. We have featured them and other Professional Artists in our fundraisers. Upon participating in the “Motown Showdown” students have been able to interact with the “Temptations,” as well as other Artists, through our Artist Workshops. Winners have shared the same stage with the Temptations, who serve as role models for our youth and who have weathered many storms that had to do, mostly, with drugs; yet, have maintained a high level of respect from many fans on an international level. Research shows that education experts, law enforcement officers and parents agree that the performing arts offer a powerful alternative to negative behavior in youth. After-school and summer programs in the arts increase attendance at cultural events, afford participants the opportunity to pursue recognizable, artistic talents, keep kids safe from negative influence and help improve academic skills. 

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